Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy 40th anniversary !!!!

Look how cute my parents were ( and are! )

Isn't she gorgeous!

My parents on my blessing day

These boys were so funny they sat behind the curtains quietly waiting for people to notice

Soon it will be our fortieth! -just kidding-

Matt, Al and the boys

Kelli and Henry

Mike and Ash

We love you very much! Here is to the next 40!

My parents 40th anniversary is today! Happy anniversary! They are the most incredible parents and I am so happy to celebrate them today. On Tuesday my siblings and I surprised my parents with dinner at the roof restaurant and a scrapbook of pictures and letters (it turned out great kel!) It was so fun to sit down as a family and reminisce and to hear all about their wedding day. ( it had a few hiccups ) I am so grateful to have had the parents that I did. They are truly amazing and I love them very much. Congrats!

perfect summer night


Ben, Grace and Nick standing in line waiting their turn

I love my nieces and nephews! This week Quinn took them all for a scoot ride and it was so fun to see how excited they got. I wish we had Josh and Nick around all the time.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The case of the missing furniture....

The other day Quinn and I got home to find a dirty old oven and a D.I worthy chair sitting on our porch and on our driveway. Random. Well of course we immediately blamed Tyler Quist and so Quinn packed up the chair and threw it on their lawn. Minutes later a truck came screeching around the corner to throw the chair back on our lawn, which caused Quinn to yell and chase after Ty's speeding vehicle, prompting the kids down the street to think that Ty and Quinn were in a lover's spat. (seriously) So of course in the cover of darkness Quinn and I loaded up the chair again and snuck onto the Quists property, obviously we weren't stealth enough because we were caught. Quinn dropped the chair and ran for home. It was on our porch in the morning. So Quinn and I gave up and decided to be the trashy couple in the neighborhood and just leave it on our porch, but tonight magically they both were gone! I think that Ty's guilty conscience finally got the best of him. Although he says that he didn't put them there to begin with. Either way thanks for taking them away!

Side note: days after this post I realized that the furniture is not gone, it is just being passed from lawn to lawn around the neighborhood.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The 8th annual white trash BBQ

My sexy Hubby

Thanks Ty for lending us your truck, it was a great prop

I didn't have time to go get a costume this year so Quinn designed both outfits, I'm not sure what his inspiration for mine was... maybe fashion clueless mom who has too many tattoos ?


Quinn, Ty, Fletch (Steve), Spencer and Ryan

Verno (Brandon)

Yes, Fletch is actually drinking the coco that he is standing in

Nothing classier than a spider web tat on the neck

Josh and Quinn

We like to start them young

Ty, the mastermind of it all


After Quinn was tackled by Fletch into the baby pool filled with coco mix


Jen and I

Tiffany, Laura and I

Getting a sticky hug from my coco covered hubby

Till next year!

The eighth annual white trash BBQ was a lot of fun this year, with a band, coco mix wrestling, a giant BBQ, great friends, and of course hilarious costumes. See ya next time.