One of my favorite Kimball Traditions is getting a Christmas Tree the day after Thanksgiving. Growing up we had to wait tell at least the tenth of December. It is such a fun way to usher in the Christmas season.
Quinn and I had a bit of a disagreement the other day, so to being the sweet husband that he is he came to my work and filled my car with Balloons and a big candy bar poster. It made me feel like I was back in high school getting asked to a dance. It was a really fun surprise, and a very cute way of saying sorry.
Last week Quinn and I got to go to a Cystic Fibrosis fundraising dinner with the Johnson's. It was held at the Grand America and was Absolutely beautiful! They had a dine around where the finest restaurants came and you got to sample their wonderful food. There was a silent and live auction that raised needed money for the research for cystic fibrosis. Every year that we go is a little bit emotional for me. I have been watching William since he was just one year old and I love this little guy. It is nice to go and listen to all the advances we are making in research to treating CF. The life expectancy has raised dramatically in the past few decades, and hopefully, in the future it will produce a cure. I am so grateful for Will in my life, he has taught me so many wonderful lessons. He truly is a little angel!
I stole these pictures from my sister in law's blog, I really hope she doesn't mind, but we don't get to see Josh and Nick very often so I wanted to add them to my post about fun Halloween costumes. We love these two. We miss them all the time! Great Costumes!
I just LOVE Halloween. The smell of fall, the kids getting dressed up, the leaves, it is all so wonderful. This year we got to see our cute nieces and nephews dressed up as all sorts of great things. They were so adorable! We just love them and are so blessed to have them in our lives. I also stopped by my salon and took a picture of the girls that got dressed up, they were hilarious I just wished I had seen them all, but a few had already left for the night. Cubbie was a cubs player again, and it was fun because it was her third birthday! Happy Halloween!