Friday, August 6, 2010

A tubeless Lila (for now)

Look at my gorgeous baby with no tubes !!! This is the first time I have seen her without them since she has been born. She is so cute!
Lila is doing better. Quinn and I noticed that the only time she wasn't eating was at the feedings that we were not at, so last night Quinn and I went in for the 2:30 and 5:30 am feedings and she ate! So we were feeling like the end was near. Unfortunately at the 2:30 pm feeding the nurse said she noticed that Lila's respiratory rate was too high. She is taking short shallow breaths. So the tubeless Lila may or may not last. If she still has a high respiratory rate in a few hours both tubes have to go back on. I am trying so hard not to be discouraged! It is so hard. We thought that she was doing so amazingly and now we have a new hurdle to climb.
I am so lucky to have Quinn. He has stayed so positive through this whole experience. He has the best attitude. What a lucky girl Lila is, she is going to have the best daddy. Quinn didn't even hesitate to go in at night. We have both had about four hours of sleep and yet he is so upbeat and excited. I have my meltdowns but Quinn is my rock.
We are so excited for the end of this experience and to get her home. I have so much respect for those mom's who have shared their experiences with me. Hopefully someday the nicu will just be a bad dream....


Kelli said...

I can't stand it! She is so beautiful! We LOVE little Lila!

Kelli said...

P.S. Someday it WILL be a bad dream. Its amazing how soon you forget once you get that precious little one home :)

~*Felts~* said...

She is beautiful!!!! That hair is adorable, maybe Goldie should be a nickname :-). I'm so happy to hear that she is getting better, you guys are so strong! I think of you every day and I look forward to all your pictures and posts!! Hugs!!

Cotter said...

Oh my goodness, she is adorable!!

Barb said...

She is just gorgeous! Her hair really is so amazing. I love her wise newborn eyes. You are great parents! You are enduring this hard challenge very well.

Daphne A. Quist said...

What a sweet picture! She is darling! Hang in there, she'll be home before you know it! You both are amazing parents!! She is blessed to have you!

blythe said...

oh im so sorry that things are so up and down. i can only imagine how hard it is on you. she is so beautiful.