Sunday, February 9, 2014


My dear friends
As you know my Lila suffers from constant seizures. These unfortunately are getting worse and worse. She will flail her arms and twitch, her little head will snap to the side. Some hurt her and she cries. Can I tell you that nothing in my life could have prepared me for this. Watching my child suffer and not be able to help is the worst possible torture. We have tried so many medications. A lot of which have not very nice side effects. Nothing has worked. You start to feel so desperate, I would do anything to help my daughter. 
There is something out there that is helping other children. Something that is not available for families here in Utah. It's called alepsia. it's an oil that is extracted from the cannabis plant. I know this might make some of you uncomfortable but I'm not advocating medical marijuana. I am advocating an oil that had been specifically engineered to have a higher CBD chemical (or the calming chemical found in marijuana) and a low THC chemical (or the "high" causing chemical) While I don't know if this will be the answer for Lila I know that it may help other families. Just having the hope of something that could help my angel is something to fight for. 
If you would be willing to write your legislator there are instructions below. I would really appreciate it. Please help us help children like Lila. Any relief from her constant seizures would be a blessing. 
Thank you 
Kristi kimball

Thank you so much for agreeing to learn more about Alepsia and how it could possibly benefit Lila. The links listed below in step #4 will give you more detailed information about the medication and research supporting its use.  Please note that we are NOT advocating for medical marijuana, rather we are seeking to change current laws in order for us to be able to have access to this hemp oil which is taken orally and does not cause a high.  

If, after reading the information, you are willing to write a short letter of support to your legislator, follow the steps below. We are working on getting as many letters of support written to each individual legislator bythis Tuesday, February 11 as we have been told that this bill should go to committee either Tuesday orThursday of next week. 

Thank you so much for your help. Please let us know if you have any questions.  

Quinn and Kristi kimball

To email your legislator - 

1. Find the names and email addresses for both your representative and your senator with this map search tool.  (If you have trouble getting this to work please email me back and I will find out your representatives for you).

2. Be sure to place the following statement in the subject line of your message: “I am your constituent, (your name) from (your city). Please vote “YES” on HB105 Plant Extracts Amendments.” They receive hundreds of emails every day, and their assistants often filter the messages for them.

3. Write a personal letter of support; do not use a generic format or form letter. Make it personal. Tell them who you are and why this matters to you. Ask for their support of “Rep. Gage Froerer’s HB 105 Plant Extract Amendments.” Refrain from using the terms “medical marijuana”. We are NOT advocating for that program and we don’t want to create confusion. We use the proper description of the extract: high-CBD/low-THC cannabis extract, or Alepsia.

4. Finally, be sure to include a link to our website, where the legislator can “learn more about the background, research and professional support of Alepsia and Hope 4 Children with Epilepsy.” You can also download and attach our one-page H4CE Lobby Sheet If they would like a packet of more detailed information, you can download our H4CE Press Kit and send it electronically or print it and deliver it to them personally.

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