Sunday, June 6, 2010

just one tiny little vent....

OK, so usually as a rule I am not a fan of venting blog posts but here is my exception to the rule. Stupid things that people say to pregnant women!!! I know a lot of you dear souls who have braved this trail before me tried to warn me but I am just shocked by what complete strangers say. Quinn and I had the great opportunity to go back to Hawaii where we met this past week (pictures to come, unfortunately two days in we dropped the camera which broke and had to use disposables the rest of the time. So fun times scanning pics awaits me) and I was taken back by the comments. I got several, "so any day now, right?" a couple, "you look about to pop" and the granddaddy of them all was when I was standing in line for the bathroom and a woman asked when I was due. I told her the beginning of August which was met with an incredulous look that turned into a smile when she said, Oh twins right? TWINS!!! are you kidding me!!! People should never assume anything about a pregnant woman. Isn't that an unspoken society rule already??!!! Its not very fair when you are already feeling down and have just noticed that your ankles no longer exist when someone asks if you are having twins! Sorry for the venting session, I had to get that out, I feel much better.....


Brynn and Jesse said...

My favorite was when I would tell people I was due in a couple months and they would say "Oh you're HUGE!" Seriously, that is the worst thing to say to a woman who already feels like a big, fat whale. I feel your pain!!!! :)

Jenna Marie said...

LOL, People are idiots! I think only women who have been pregnant keep their mouths shut.

Daphne A. Quist said...

WOW! What the...I look at you and just think how cute you are preg and I wish we all looked like you...perhaps they were jealous of your beauty! It's okay to reminds us you are normal with the rest of us! Glad the trip went well!!

Kelli said...

I think you look AMAZING!!!!! (seriously!)

Anya said...

they jus' JEALOUS!!

Shai said...

I know! I think it is so rude, especially when people dont even know you! I think you are a cute preggo gal! Just try and enjoy the only time in your life when you can get fat and its ok!!! :)