Monday, November 26, 2012


My computer is still not able to download pics from my camera so I just Have to post pics from my phone. I didn't get the best ones so I'll have to steal them from Kelli when she posts.
This Thanksgiving I am so grateful for my wonderful family! For the health and happiness that we enjoy and the time that we still have together!

Sweet Gracie had to write (in her best cursive) what she was thankful for in school. It completely melted my heart! What a sweetie. This is what she wrote:
Dear Lila,
I'm thankul that you are my cousin. You always look so pretty. I love it when you laugh and smile. Your smile is very pretty. I love you. I'm always excited to see you and visit you.
I remember when we went to the Brigham city temple and you fell asleep. Then you woke up in the celestial room and you were smiling at all the pretty lights. Then Kristi took you out of your stroller and you saw the lights again and you were smiling and laughing. I loved it. I also think you are awesome!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

You got really good pics with your phone!