Thursday, October 15, 2015

good people

My friend Ashley Sullenger, who I met while on our trip to Hawaii with Ohana Oasis, has an inspirational blog that she has been writing to help her deal with the loss of her little girl Preslee five years ago from an accidental drowning. She has gained quite the following and she has helped a lot of people. She wanted to start a discussion about how to help others in similar situations that she and I have found ourselves in. She decided to feature our little family on her blog  I know some people will be coming to our blog from hers to learn more about our story. If you want to know more about Lila she was born in July of 2010, you are welcome to click on our history to find out more about her. I love telling her story.
or here are some important moments :
When we found out something was wrong
Her diagnosis 
The day she left us
 And all the wonderful and scary moments in between. We are so blessed to be Lila's parents, she is incredible and I hope you feel of her amazing spirit looking at her life.


Ashley Ziegler said...

I just read your story on Ashley's blog. What a beautiful little girl Lila is. I really felt the Spirit and strength while reading. Thank you for sharing!

Auntie EM said...

Hi Kristi. I am an Ashley Sullenger blog reader. I found her blog through my niece Kendra, who also lost her first daughter to a disease called SMARD. I am so amazed at you young mothers who have endured the most terrible loss a woman/mother can possibly endure. Yet you remain positive and are willing to share your story with others in case it might benefit and help someone else. I surely have benefitted by Ashley's blog. She is so upbeat, has such great faith, and while there is so much sadness and heartache at the loss of her precious daughter, she still smiles and is so willing to help others. I think that is what touches me the most...some people have bad things happen and it turns them bitter, angry, mean, cold, and callous but you mothers turn your sorrow and heartache into something positive...of which I'm sure your daughter is so proud. I have a saying that I thought says it all for me (after losing my husband and both parents in a 7-month stretch): THE LOVE NEVER almost keeps growing as we learn to appreciate more and more how much our loved ones means to us and how we long to see them again. It is our connection to heaven...we want to do better and be better so that we are sure we can be with them again. Thank you for sharing your daughter's story. What a lovely beautiful child she is as well as your other daughter. You are blessed because of them but they are so blessed to have such a wonderful mother as yourself and their daddy too. Thank you again.

Trisha said...

I also found your blog through Ashley.
What a wonderful blog you have with which your emotion comes through!

On a very personal note we are looking into IVF with PGD soon and I haven't found anyone who is LDS who has done this. Is there a way I could email you to ask a few questions?

Thank you so much!

quinn and kristi said...

Trisha. You can for sure email me.