Thursday, October 27, 2011

sugar overload.

Lila and I wanted to surprise Quinn with doughnuts and balloons at work on his birthday. After we went to BamberryCross to get a dozen and a half yummy doughnuts (wanted to share with co workers) we got a call from Quinn, he wanted to tell me the funniest story. His mom had surprised him with breakfast pullaparts that morning and while they were polishing them off and all discussing how they couldn't eat another bite Marissa, his sister walked in with another plate full of yummy pullaparts. Crestfallen I told him I was in the parking lot with doughnuts about to walk over to Smiths to get Balloons. I guess we were all on the same page with this one. At least Quinn knew people were thinking about him on his day!

1 comment:

Sandie-Matthew's Mom said...

That is sooooooooo sweet, literally AND affectionately. Very cute story!

What a wonderful treat for Quinn to have so much outpouring of delicious birthday delights from his loved ones.