Friday, April 26, 2013

Six months (almost)

twenty three weeks and a few days....
I realized that last pregnancy  I took a bump shot each month and I have been slacking in this pregnancy. (Probably, if I am being honest, because I am a bit chubbier this time around) But I do want little Peanut to see her growing in me. This is proof little one that you are in my tummy!!
 You are stressing me out little girl. I just got a huge cold soar and I haven't had one of those since my divorce. geez! You go all day without giving me a kick and I start to think maybe I should be calling my doctor,  but I do think you are moving because when I listen to you on the doppler your heartbeat will be loud, then soft, then not there, then loud again. I think you are moving but I wish you would be more obtrusive. Crack a rib or two!
 love you girlie. Glad you are in my tummy!