Sunday, September 29, 2013

A letter to Ruby on her blessing day

Dear Ruby
What a wonderful day it is, our precious little gem! Your daddy took you in his arms today and gave you a name and blessing. Your name is important, it means something. I wanted to name you after the two people that I love and admire most. First, your sister. A Ruby is her birthstone. We thought it would be a wonderful way to honor her and for you to keep a piece of her with you throughout your life.  Lila has been patient, sweet and has kept a wonderful attitude while on this Earth, attributes that I hope you will have. I also wanted you to know you will always have a guardian angel watching over you. A sisterly bond is an intense and amazing thing. I know that death will not change that. I hope you will feel Lila in your life always. The second is Quinn, your dad. I admire your father so much. He is a good man and I know he will be an incredible dad to you.
Ruby I want you to know how much we love you. You truly are the most amazing miracle that has ever happened to me. We wanted you so much. For the past three years we have been trying to figure out how to get you to our family. We spent hours in doctors offices and adoption classes. We were told that you may never come to our family. We pleaded with Heavenly Father and spent many nights in tears. After the generosity of many we were able to try one last round of IVF. The day they called and said I was pregnant was one of the sweetest days of my life. I just prayed that you would make it here and that I would be able to see you born without incident. The fact that you are even in our family is incredible! It is a miracle. You are my miracle baby.
You are a sweetheart already. You are a content little thing (as long as you have my undivided attention) who loves to be held and watches everything. I can just see you taking it all in. You have started to smile which I must admit makes me a little teary every time. All of your milestones are just the biggest miracle. I am in awe of you. Everything you do is the most amazing thing. It is all the more sweeter because I wished so hard for your sister to achieve them and you are doing them all so well and just naturally. I want you to know that I will never take that for granted. You are in our family, seemingly healthy and I have never felt so blessed.
We love you so much Ruby. You have started to mend pieces of my heart and brought so much joy into our lives. Thank you for being our daughter and for being our precious little girl.

1 comment:

Barb said...

This is so beautiful. What a precious little soul to have in your family. Can't wait to meet her one day soon.