This sign is hanging in Lila's room. It reminds me to celebrate everyday.
We are constantly trying to celebrate all the small things. Lila is doing well. She is making progress, they are small and slow, but she is making good progress. She has shown more visual responses, She holds toys, she is holding her head more and more midline, She still smiles, laughs and sucks her thumb (she sucks her right thumb and her left pointer finger) She kicks her legs, -they are not as stiff as they once were.- She will touch items on her board that I have just touched and showed her. She is getting more vocal, she loved the sound of her voice, she will get louder and louder as she "talks."
She will do little things that surprise us all the time. Like the other day, she was sitting on her grandpa's lap with her head against her chest and she was trying so hard to lift her head and find her grandpa, she was trying so hard to look up.
Also the other day she was in her crib awake (as always) and Quinn walked in and said Hi Lila, She turned her head looked right at him and gave him a huge smile. She does these random things that continue to surprise us.
She will do little things that surprise us all the time. Like the other day, she was sitting on her grandpa's lap with her head against her chest and she was trying so hard to lift her head and find her grandpa, she was trying so hard to look up.
Also the other day she was in her crib awake (as always) and Quinn walked in and said Hi Lila, She turned her head looked right at him and gave him a huge smile. She does these random things that continue to surprise us.