Saturday, May 28, 2011

great people

I have to say that a blessing from this experience with Lila is that we have been able to meet the most wonderful and inspiring people. This week was no different. We met Lyndsay's cousin Erin who was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. The doctors told her parents she would never walk, talk or have relationships. Erin can do all those things and more. What an inspiration! It was nice to meet with her parents because they kept commenting on how great Lila was moving. That sentiment is quite new to us. Usually these days we only get comments on how tired she must be (when she is wide awake) and how calm she is. The Parents gave us hope that Lila's future would be filled with miracles. They kept pointing out to me how great her movements were. It was so nice to hear, especially as we are nearing her year birthday and we still can't lift her head. Something that weighs on my heart pretty heavily. It was so refreshing to have someone lift you up like that. The father seemed to be pretty confident that Lila would walk someday. That was great coming from someone who has been there.

Thanks to Jolynn who gave us that beautiful pot of plants, she knows how I envy her green thumb! Thanks to Lyn for insisting that I meet Erin and for setting it up. I know I was so reluctant but I appreciate you trying to get me to see some hope for the future. (and thanks for getting the back of your car filled with potting soil. sorry)


Barb said...

What a blessing to talk with someone who has been there. I'm glad you are finding moments of hope.

Kelli said...

I'm SOOO happy you heard so good things! It is so good to surround yourself with the positive. Tell Lynsey thanks from your fam as well! :)

Cotter said...

The potting soil in the back of my car was well worth it!!!