Friday, August 10, 2012

my superhero

Little Miss is sick again. She is so "gunked" up. We had a bad night where she couldn't breathe, we used our suction machine constantly but we couldn't get her to take one easy breath. Watching your child struggle to breathe and be completely helpless is my definition of hell on Earth. It scares me for what is to come...
Anyway, this morning as I got Lila up, spent ten plus minutes sticking a tube in her nose and mouth sucking out gunk. I turned to her and said, Lila your my hero kid, that's when she gave me this huge smile. It literally was between her gasping for breaths. She is incredible. When I feel down and start to throw a pity party I remind myself to try and act more like my two year old.


Kelli said...


Robbie and Margot said...

I think Lila is my superhero too! What a cool two year old she is.

Cotter said...

She is my hero too... as are you and Quinn. It's amazing to watch you go through something so hard and handle it with so much grace. Love you!